Tax advisor for private individuals
Many people wonder if the expenses for a professional tax consultant practice are worth the trou-ble and money. Most are astounded when we show them how little effort it takes to achieve major savings. The savings resulting from professional tax consultancy exceed the costs for a professional advisor. Make a non-binding appointment today (0049 561 9600 0). Together, we will find out if our services are profitable to you.
- More cost security: We will tell you if a tax declaration pays off for you.
- More legal certainty: We will tell you if you are liable to make an income tax declaration and what you need to consider. Make use of our 360° Check-up.
- More tax savings: We employ all legal tax saving methods.
- More assertiveness: Many notices of tax assessment are wrong. As tax advisor practice, we check your assessments, lodge an appeal, and get a lawsuit off the ground.
- More tax design: Professional consultation around matters of real estate, inheritance tax, donation resp. gift tax, and old age pension preparation.